The Global Black Coalition has been organizing online information session since the beginning of the war, after many students expressed the need to pursue their studies as soon as they were out of Ukraine.
Back in early March, our coalition started reaching out to universities like the university of Ottawa with the support of Professor Boulou Ebanda De Beri and Corrie Scott, the university of Toronto with the support of Professor Lilia Topouzova, the All Saints Medical University with the support of Dr. Dincel and many other universities across Europe, North America, Latin America and the Caribbean.
The biggest challenge was finding universities that would be willing to: 1. Accept international students in programs like medicine and engineering
2. Accept the fact that many of them do not have access to their transcripts for now as they seem to be blocked in Ukraine.
We are happy to inform you that we found many universities who are willing to accept international students.
Over the past two months, our coalition has been working very hard to ensure that students get a chance to continue their studies in the field that they chose. We are grateful that many of them will be able to do so thanks to the incredible staff and university officials in many institutions across Europe, North America, Latin America and the Caribbean.
Our coalition understands that students want to be students, not refugees and should be equally welcomed in universities and countries where they desire to study. We are grateful that our advocacy and work is paying off as we see more and more students getting accepted in universities that we collaborate with.
We have received many letters of students and their parents expressing their utmost gratitude. We are thankful for the trust their have instilled in our coalition.
The work does not stop as many more students are waiting for answers from universities and many European countries where they thought they found safety are applying pressure on them to leave.
We will continue to do everything in our power to support students and community members.